Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"Overcomer" ©

Saw a passage today, it is really meaningful that I wanna share.

"Lord, You know i'm pushing on
to run this race
i fix my eyes on You
in everything i face
even when my feelings say it isn't so
Your Truth that beats
inside my heart won't let me go
with every step of faith,
You strengthen me
along every mile of trust,
You're remaking me
'tho a trail of tears
mark the path that i've come
until in Your arms...
i'll continue to run
(Heb 12:1-22, 2 Cor 4: 8-9)", Jan 8, 08

Yes, we are all running a race, but whose strength are we relying on to run this race? Our inborn physical strength, our intelligence, our endurance or our will? As this passage, we need to realize we are not running this race on our own, but with our God. We need to learn not to run in our own strength, but rely on Him who strengthens us to finish this race; no matter short or long. No matter where you are in the race, it is never too late to pick up and continue to run your race with Him, with His strength.

Realizing His presence and He's running the race with us is not the toughest to learn, but to rely on Him and not ourselves. At times, I thought I learned how to rely, yet I start to realize more and more that I am inadequate in it. I'm still using my own strength to protect myself from hurt, I'm often using my talent and skills to "secure" my life/path/goal. But it's never too late to learn and to continue learning. I'm sure He's sooo pleased whenever God sees us walking back onto the right path, standing up from where we fell and continue to move forward in our journey - and He'll put on a BIG smile when looking at us.

Also, the phrase "i fix my eyes on You in everything i face even when my feelings say it isn't so" caught and touched me most. Yes, we need to trust Him and His Word for He's faithful, and not merely our feelings. I sometimes wonder if I can trust unconditionally all the time ... It's tough, but I believe and trust that it is not undoable.

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