Thursday, August 25, 2005


看著 desktop 的 post-it memo, 上面寫著 "甘願作出犠牲, 多領一人歸主" ... 當我第一次看到這句說話時, 很觸動我, 很敬重寫這句說話的人 (雖然我不知他是誰). 但今日看時, 又有另一種體會. (但並不表示我不再敬重這位作者, 只要又另一體會而已) 其實我們為神看似是犠牲的"付出", 根本並不是真的犠牲, 乃是神用另一個渠道去祝福我們. 正如今次踏上短宣一般, 很多人,包括自己, 在出發前都以為是自己願意付出小小的時間, 假期, 去為神多作工, 但其實當中自己所作的很少, 收獲卻怎多. 由決定嘗試報名參加直到現在, 都感受到神無比及豐盛的恩典: 在短時間內 reschedule client meeting, 再次申請假期, 得到父母的同意, 及能及時報名等等都比預期順利.

在行程當中最感恩的是神不單讓我在這行程中增壙見聞, 操揀自己的愛心, 更一直陪著我行, 讓我切實的體會到神的預備永遠都是無械可擊!! 就算自己在某些情況下信心動搖, 有懷疑的事候, 內心抱怨的事候, 神都沒有離開, 讓我最終看到祂的旨意, 看到祂最美好的安排. 神是遠比任何人更了解, 更明白我的缺點及長處, 祂便按著我的性格去引導我, 去鼓勵我作個準確的決定. 真是從未如此試過這般地感受到神計劃的奇妙, 美善! 每一次都叫我從心內呼叫一句: Sorry! You are really amazing!! [Sorry 是因為之前的小信 ... 希望經過今次以後不用說太多"sorry" ... ]

話又說回來, 既然收獲如此豐富, 遠超過所付出的, 那末我又何來犠牲呢? 其實神只要求我們踏前一步, 更緊貼祂的腳踪, 其他的一切祂已好好的為我們預備了.

Starring at the post-it memo on my desktop, it says: "willing to sacrifice to save one more soul" ... When I first encounter this phrase, I was touched, really respect the one who says it (though I'm yet to find out who the person is). But when I read it again, I have another thought (not that I disagree the phrase, or no longer respect the "author" ... just another thought).

When we think we are sacrificing for Christ, to give up something, we are actually being blessed, being blessed through another medium. Just like this mission trip, many people, include myself, initially thought I'm giving up some of my time, vacation, to serve God, but in reality, what I gave was so little, what I gain was sooo much!!

From the time I decided to join the trip up to now, I have been experiencing His endless blessings: able to reschedule client meetings, asking for another vacation, getting my parents' permission and able to register on time, all done within a short period of time and kinda smoothly!!

During the trip, I am thankful for the "eye-opener" experience, the chance to work on my passion for people, but I am more thankful for God being with me all the time, and always have the unbeatable plan for me!!! Even when I am lack of faith, in doubt, complaining, He never left me alone; He always let me see how great is His plan, and since He know me inside out, He even lead and helped me to make the right decision in following Him. Never really had that experience before, to really experience how Great and how Beautiful His plans are!!

The gain is way more than what is given up, don't think it qualifies as being a "sacrifice". God is only waiting for us to make a step forward, closer to His step, and He has already taken care of the rest!

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