Monday, October 08, 2007

A song dedicated to YOU! 一首送給你的歌!!

今日在一聚會中聽到這一首歌, 便立時被它優美的旋律所吸引, 但最感動我的還是那十分有意思的歌詞:
<最珍貴的角落> 曲:游智婷 詞:萬美蘭
謝謝你燦爛笑容 照亮我的天空
謝謝你分享心情 把我放在你心中
夜裡有時為寒冷 你我生根同暖土
友情是最亮的星 我的生命從此美麗

當你被花朵包圍盡情歡欣 我帶春風使你舞其中
當你正在坎坷路  我會伴你在左右
一起向藍天歡呼 向白雲招手
千萬人中有個人懂我 你有最珍貴的角落

最近,不停地想到神如何在我的生命中賜福與我, 叫我有一班好好的朋友, 去造就,支持我, 叫我成為今日的我 - 希望仍是進步中的我(當然是指好的方面) ...

所以, 當我唱這首歌時, 我不停的為我有你們這一班朋友感恩! 感謝神在不同的環境中, 不同的時間上讓我認識到你們 ... 學校, 工作, 教會, 朋友的朋友 等等. 你們的出現, 問候等, 永遠都是最合時的. 

很想藉此機會用這一個短短的 blog entry 向你們說聲多謝!! 這首歌的歌詞真的代表我的心聲, 所以請留意歌詞~~ 而基督耶穌便是最懂我的一個, 因為祂把你們在最合適的時候放在我的生命中! 願你也找到及確信這最珍貴的角落~
Today in a conference, I was introduced to this song. I was attracted by the beautiful melody right away, yet the lyrics touch my heart deep as I found them very very meaningful:

Precious Corner
Music: Sandy Yu Lyrics: Marlene Wan
(popo's attempt of translating it to English w/out taking into account the melody)

Thank you for your delightful smile Brighten my sky
Thank you for your deep sharing and put me in your heart
Despite the cold at night, you and I are warm together
Friendship is the brightest star My life thus becomes beautiful

When you are joyful being surrounded by flowers
I will bring spring breeze so that you can dance
When you are going through tough situations
I will walk along with you by your side
Let's shout to the bright blue sky let's wave to the snowy white clouds
We laugh and we cry together
Among the millions, there is one who knows me well
you have your most precious corner

I have been giving thanks for all that God has blessed me in my life lately: I have many good good friends, who develop, support me, so that I can be the ME I am today - hopefully still growing (to become better).

I kept praising the Lord for my circles of friends when I was singing the song! Thank God for putting you in my life in various situation and various time ... school, work, churches, through mutual friends etc etc ... Your sincere greetings and your presence are always timely and most needed.

Therefore, I would like to dedicate this little blog entry as my sincere thanks to all of you - for being my good friends!! The lyrics explains my thankfulness well, so I'm not going to further elaborate it (please reread the lyrics again =P ).

Last but never the least, I would like to proclaim that Christ Jesus really knows me well and it is evident through Him putting you in my life in the best timing! It is my prayer that you can find and be affirmed of this, the most precious corner of yours~~

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